IC5409/rev. 7-24 © 2024 USG Corporation and/or its af liates. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. Manufactured by USG Interiors, LLC 550 West Adams Street Chicago, IL 60661 Notice The information in this document is subject to change without notice. CGC Inc. or USG Corp. assumes no responsibility for any errors that may inadvertently appear in this document. ORDER SAMPLES/LITERATURE USG: usg.com or
[email protected] CGC: contact Sales Representative TECHNICAL SERVICES 800 USG.4YOU (874-4968) FOR MOST UP-TO-DATE TECHNICAL INFORMATION AND LEED REPORT TOOL usgdesignstudio.com cgcdesignstudio.com usg.ecomedes.com HIGH RECYCLED CONTENT True Wood Linear Plank 1/2" wood screw curved tee Minimum Radius in DWSS is 39" screw toward edge where grid touches panel USG TRUE® WOOD LINEAR PLANKS Linear Plank Size Fire Rating Grid Options NRC CAC 4-1/2” Module, 3-3/4” x 8’ Plank with 3/4” black felt reveal Class A DWSS 0.40 — 6” Module, 5-1/4” x 8’ Plank with 3/4” black felt reveal Class A DWSS 0.35 — Linear Planks are screw-attached to heavy duty DWSS drywall grid. They have a black fabric backing that overlaps panel-to-panel to create a clean black look in the reveal. TRIM OPTIONS 4" Nominal (3-3/4"x8') 6" Nominal (5-1/4"x8') GRID PROFILE OPTIONS USG DRYWALL SUSPENSION SYSTEM 15/8" nom. 11/2" High Recycled Content USG classifi es High Recycled Content as greater than 50%. Total recycled content is based on product composition of pre-consumer (post-industrial) and post-consumer recycled content per FTC guidelines. PHYSICAL DATA Additional Documents and Resources Data Sheet: IC5409 Finishes Sheet: IC5409 Installation Guide: IC561 Warranty: SC2102 Handling Guide: IC5449 Online Tools usgdesignstudio.com, cgcdesignstudio.com or usg.ecomedes.com Fire Classifi cation ASTM E84 and CAN/ULC S102 surface-burning characteristics Class A Flame spread: 25 or less Smoke developed: 50 or less ASTM E1264 Classifi cation Composite—Class A Fire Performance ASHRAE Standard 62.1, 2013 Weight 3 lb./sq. ft. Material No added urea-formaldehyde core, with face cut veneers. Notes – Color Disclaimer: Printed and/or online color swatches are only reproductions of actual standards and will vary in appearance due to dif erences in monitor and printer output. – Wood Disclaimer: Wood is a natural grain product with variations in grain, texture and color often ranging from light to dark, thereby af ecting the surface look. Product fi nishes are spray-applied stain or sealer coats. – These representations should not be used to fi nalize color selection(s). – Building environmental conditions should be maintained in accordance with ASHRAE Standard 62.1, 2013. – Refer to CISCA Wood Ceilings Technical Guidelines for best practices on installing wood ceilings. USG TRUE® WOOD LINEAR PLANKS The trademarks USG, CGC, TRUE, IT’S YOUR WORLD. BUILD IT., the USG/CGC logo, the design elements and colors, and related marks are trademarks of USG Corporation or its af liates. Safety First! Follow good safety/industrial hygiene practices during installation. Wear appropriate personal protective equipment. Read SDS and literature before specifi cation and installation. 19 LINEAR COMPONENTS USG True Wood linear planks come finished on four sides with veneer and stain (if applicable). The two short ends or butt ends are not finished, and proper care must be taken to assure these ends are either hidden or treated in the field to match the exposed face. USG True Wood linear plank system installs on USG Donn® Brand Drywall Suspension System, and the typical layout for this system is Main Tees (DGLW26) installed 4 feet on center hung every 4 feet along the main and cross tees installed every 4 feet between the mains. For USG True Wood linear system, the linear planks are screw attached to the cross tees and run parallel to the main tees. USG True Wood linear planks are installed in a progressive fashion with the aesthetic felt toward the direction of the install. The spacing of the planks can be from zero to 7/8" of an inch. Great care should be taken to maintain the same spacing, and blocks or gauges should be used. Some portion of the grid may be exposed. These areas should be treated in the field with flat black paint that is suitable for galvanized material and the environment of the installation. USG True Wood linear planks are screw attached with 1/2 wood lath screws from the back of the ceiling through the flange of the cross tee and into the plank. It is critical that the attachment of the planks be secure and that the fasteners are not "overdriven." In some cases it may be necessary to prepunch the grid flange to assure connection integrity. Use spring clamps to position the plank in place and assure its spacing and alignment. Splice Plates: Place butt joints over framing members. Otherwise, framing angle or wood can be used as a splice plate. Plan on using at least four 1/2" wood lath screws, two on each side of the splice. True Wood can be used with a biscuit joiner as well to join butt ends. Cutting butt ends at a 22-degree angle lessens the chance of seeing the exposed edge of the panel line. Touch-up kits can be supplied by USG, but similar material can be obtained from a local retailer that carries wood finishing products. A sample should be tested for match and consistency. Panel Construction wood composite core wood veneer wood veneer aesthetic overlapping felt wood veneer wood veneer wood composite core USG True™ Wood Trim LAY-OUT AND SITE PREPARATION PLANK INSTALLATION FINISHING AND TOUCH UP PANEL TRIM 6 LINEAR View from Below View from Above ASSEMBLY Specialty Ceiling Systems 127
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